Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dune Living

So, I guess living at the dunes comes with the responsibility of knowing how to drive a quad in the sand, and this has always been something that really scares me. If you've ever driven in the sand, you can feel the bike sliding under you ALL the time and it's really scary!! At least it is for me.
Anyway, yesterday John had someone over and they wanted to go riding, so Kevin and I went with them. I didn't want to take my own four wheeler the whole time, so I just rode on the back of Kevin's, but for a little of the time he let me drive it.
Now, normally when I go to the dunes with the plan to learn how to ride better, I get SUPER stressed out and I stress out everyone around me, and the day usually ends in either a fight between me and someone, and/or me crying and pouting with frustration. Yesterday, however, I was determined to end the day on a good note! So when Kevin asked me if I wanted to drive, I said "sure!" and hopped willingly on the front and started the bike.
I'm already having second thoughts at this point, because I can just feel my calm slipping away, and my emotional sensitivity rising.
Stick with it Kaylynn! Is what I'm thinking, because I know how much Kevin likes it when I try new things and do them with an open mind. So I drove around slowly and got a little more comfortable as time went on, asked Kevin some questions when I had them, and ended up driving around for about 10 or 15 minutes. (I didn't go up and big hills, but i putted around calmly and didn't have any emotional breakdowns! yay, mission accomplished!) haha.
I know this sounds dumb and wussy, but I was proud of myself for not quitting! (well, eventually I let Kevin back on the front because we were facing a huge hill and I was scared, but I still drove!) :)
Next time maybe I'll be on my own bike the whole time! (if I can hold off a freak out session for that long) haha.


  1. THANKS! it was harder than it sounds. (probably wouldn't be for most people, but i'm just such a sissy when it comes to things like this! lol)

  2. YEAH!!! I'm so proud of you KT! Way to go! hahaha. I love your posts. They're so fun and sounds like you are having a great learning experience. I love you! And thanks Kevin! You make her life fun and give her satisfying challenges to make her feel her worth!
